Gdanski Chiropractic Clinic

What to Expect:

Step 1
New Patient Forms

At your first visit, you will be asked to fill out forms that provide background information about your symptoms and conditions. 

You can fill these out ahead of time and bring them to your appointment, or complete them at the office. If you prefer to complete the forms ahead of your visit, see the adult, teen, or child form below, as applicable:

Step 1
New Patient Forms

At your first visit, you will be asked to fill out forms that provide background information about your symptoms and conditions. 

You can fill these out ahead of time and bring them to your appointment, or complete them at the office. If you prefer to complete the forms ahead of your visit, see the adult, teen, or child form below, as applicable:

Step 2
Initial Consultation

Examinations entail chiropractic, physical, and/or orthopedic tests respectively aimed at identifying potential spinal issues underlying your concerns.

Depending on your situation, you may be referred for x-rays by our doctors. X-rays help evaluate spinal alignment, degeneration, pathologies, and contraindications. 

Combining these findings with the clinical exam will enable us to create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Step 2
Initial Consultation

Examinations entail chiropractic, physical, and/or orthopedic tests respectively aimed at identifying potential spinal issues underlying your concerns.

Depending on your situation, you may be referred for x-rays by our doctors. X-rays help evaluate spinal alignment, degeneration, pathologies, and contraindications. 

Combining these findings with the clinical exam will enable us to create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Step 3
Personalized Treatment

During your first adjustment our doctor will share their insights and recommendations. 

Our dedicated team will guide you through care options available, allowing you to select the approach that aligns with your goals.

After your first adjustment, you will receive a call back from our team to follow up on how you are feeling and answer any questions. 

Step 3
Personalized Treatment

During your first adjustment our doctor will share their insights and recommendations. 

Our dedicated team will guide you through care options available, allowing you to select the approach that aligns with your goals.

After your first adjustment, you will receive a call back from our team to follow up on how you are feeling and answer any questions. 

Step 4
Better Health in Action

Visit frequency depends on  your goals and needs. We offer corrective care, relief care, and/or wellness care. 

Regular reassessments will be performed to monitor your progress.

Step 4
Better Health in Action

Visit frequency depends on  your goals and needs. We offer corrective care, relief care, and/or wellness care. 

Regular reassessments will be performed to monitor your progress.

How should I feel after an adjustment?

All adjustments are slightly different for everyone; therefore, one person may not feel the same after an adjustment as someone else. 

Most people describe a “relaxed feeling” after being adjusted, which may last for the rest of the day and lead to a deep refreshing night’s sleep. Others have described a warm “flowing” feeling through their body, or certain parts of their body, that feels comfortable and peaceful. Some feel very energetic and are able to do their day’s tasks without fatigue, culminating in a productive night. 

A small number of people new to chiropractic feel discomfort or some pain after an adjustment. They may not sleep well and may experience a headache or other symptoms. These reactions are usually followed by feelings of well-being after a short period, particularly by people who continue to receive chiropractic care. 

Some people feel no different after an adjustment. That does not necessarily mean they are not benefiting from the adjustment; it just means they are not experiencing any external reactions to it.

What causes these reactions?

  1. A detoxification of the body after the adjustment. When toxins leave the system, there may be discomfort such as headache, sniffles, a slight fever, a strong feeling of drowsiness, lethargy, or similar reaction.
  2. Muscles are re-aligning the spine itself and muscles that were improperly working in a misaligned spine are now working. This may result in “Charlie horse” or muscle strain symptoms. 
  3. Nerves that were impinged or irritated for years are healing and are becoming re-sensitive. These nerves are reawakening pains and other symptoms that may have been forgotten by the mind but not by the body.
  4. Bodies that are in good general health may feel no different. In contrast, systems that have been subluxated and unhealthy for too long may feel no different because the body isn’t sensitive anymore. 
  5. People who are very in tune with their body may actually feel the awakening of the proper flow of life energy from the brain to all parts of the body. 


After an adjustment, please remember that the greatest changes and impacts are going on below the surface and beneath our conscious awareness. An adjustment may affect hundreds of bodily functions; its true beneficial effects to the person are as yet incalculable. 

Patient First Adjustment Testimonials

Relief Care and Corrective Care

Relief care is the care necessary to relieve or reduce pain or symptoms.

Corrective care is the care necessary to relieve or reduce pain or symptoms and remove the cause of the problem. 

What’s the Difference? 

Let’s take a look at the following example: 

A person has a misaligned vertebra in the neck, causing irritation to a nerve. This reduces blood supply to the head which results in headaches.

The cause of the pain is a misaligned vertebra in the neck and irritation to a nerve.

The effect is reduced blood supply to the head. 

The symptom is the headache. 

Relief care only focuses on relieving the symptom (headaches) and therefore might look like taking Tylenol. This may temporarily relieve the headaches but does nothing to correct the cause of the symptom (misaligned vertebra). 

Corrective care focuses on making sure the cause (misaligned vertebra) is corrected, removing the symptom (headaches) altogether.

How long does corrective care take? 

It depends on the problem and its severity; not everyone can reach complete correction. Your chiropractor will inform you of the severity of your problem and whether correction is possible. If complete correction is not possible, then a program to bring your health up to its greatest potential will be explained. The time it takes to reach optimum correction depends on how long the cause of the problem has been developing and lifestyle factors.

Correcting a person’s structure is similar to pouring cement into a mold; if you remove the mold before the cement hardens, you lose the structure you wanted to create. After the intensive phase of correction, visits of care are necessary to hold your structure in place until it stabilizes; as cement requires time to stabilize, so does your body. Your chiropractor can best determine your individual needs.